Certified Public Finance Administrator CPFA

The Certified Public Finance Administrator (CPFA) Credentialing Program is a professional credentialing program for appointed or elected public finance professionals working in or with the treasury office. A certification as a CPFA allows the official to attain a credential that will enhance their professional image while enhancing their skills that are unique to a government finance position. “Attaining the designation of Certified Public Finance Administrator means that an individual is committed to education and experience in his/her chosen profession. This designation is awarded by the Association of Public Treasurers of the United States and Canada (APT US & C). In order to be eligible for this prestigious designation, an individual must be the elected or appointed treasurer, deputy or assistant treasurer, employee in/or dealing with the office of treasurer or principal officer in the governmental entity who is charged with the performance or supervision of one or more of the following responsibilities: investments, debt or treasury activities.”


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