Property manager

A property manager is a person or firm charged with operating a real estate property for a fee, when the owner is unable to personally attend to such details, or is not interested in doing so. The property may be individual title owned or it may be owned under sectional title, share block company owned and may be registered for residential, commercial office and retail or industrial use.

Professional designations

* Real Property Administrator (RPA)
* Facilities Management Administrator (FMA)
* Systems Maintenance Administrator (SMA)
* Systems Maintenance Technician (SMT)

Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM)

* Certified Property Manager (CPM)
* Accredited Residential Manager (ARM)
* Accredited Commercial Manager (ACM)
* Accredited Management Organization (AMO)

Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI)

* Accredited Community Manager (ACM)
* Professional Housing Consultant (PHC)

National Apartment Association (NAA) has the following designations:

* Certified Apartment Manager (CAM)
* Certified Apartment Property Supervisor (CAPS)

National Association of Residential Property Managers (NARPM) offers designations to certify ethical and professional standards of conduct for property managers:

* Residential Management Professional (RMP)
* Master Property Manager (MPM)
* Certified Support Specialist (CSS)
* Certified Residential Management Company (CRMC)

State-specific designations:

* California - Certified Community Association Manager (CCAM)
* Florida - Community Association Manager (CAM)
* Minnesota - Certified Community Association Manager (CCAM)
* Minnesota - Certified Residential Manager (CRM)


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