Society of Indexers

The Society of Indexers (SI) is a professional society based in the UK, with its offices in Sheffield, England, but has members worldwide. It exists to promote indexing, the quality of indexes and the profession of indexing. It provides a distance training course in indexing leading to its qualification of Accredited Indexer. A further qualification of Fellow of the Society is awarded for proof of experience and index quality. Indexers Available is its online directory of professional indexers available to take freelance indexing work. The Society of Indexers was formed in the UK on 13 July 1953 by G. Norman Knight. He "count[ed] it as one of the achievements of the Society to have removed the intense feeling of solitude in which the indexer (of books and journals, at any rate) used to work."

Later members in various areas of the world grouped together and formed societies which are now affiliated

* American Society for Indexing
* Indexing Society of Canada
* Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers
* China Society of Indexers


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